July 28, 2010

  • The Great Chicken Nugget Heist

    A trial was scheduled in Shorewood, Wisconsin, yesterday of a 15 year old boy–we’ll call him Adam because that’s his name–for stealing chicken nuggets off the plate of another student–we’ll call him Kakaree because that’s his name. In a video interview Click Here, Kakaree says he gave Adam the nuggets because it was March and he wasn’t eating meat that month (because it was Lent? we don’t know). A cafeteria worker saw Adam take the nuggets, and she reported the “offense” to the assistant principal. The assistant principal immediately called the police, and they came and arrested Adam. They put him in handcuffs and drove him to jail in a squad car.

    When the transaction between Adam and Kakaree was explained, the police told them that, in fact, Adam had committed a federal offense. It seems that Kakaree is part of the federal free lunch program, and it’s a federal “crime” for anyone not on free lunch to eat free federal food. In the face of protesters at the courthouse yesterday afternoon, the police and the school dropped the charges against Adam. Shorewood is a affluent suburb of Milwaukee, and the African American population of Shorewood is 2.4%. Both Adam and Kakaree are African American, not that that matters, of course. The comments by readers following an article in the Milwaukee “Journal Sentinel” about the case are some of the ugliest and most racist I’ve read in a long time. Here’s a link to that article: Click Here.

    I told this story at a meeting of a committee of the Council on Aging this morning, and everybody was appalled. But the fact is that if we aren’t able to deliver one of our Meals on Wheels because the person isn’t home, we have to either give it to another meal recipient or throw it away. We can’t give it to a random homeless person on the street, say, or eat it ourselves. We have to throw it away, just like Kakaree was expected to do. Based on the picture of the nuggets in the video referenced above, I’m surprised Adam could get those things down. He is 15, though, and 15 year old boys will pretty much eat anything.


Comments (2)

  • ED– Amazing. Thanks for sharing the two “click” sources. The news video is enlightening and clarifying. The Newspaper article shows the depth of anger throughout our country over RACISM, IMMIGRATION, TEA PARTY, OBAMA, OIL SPILL and who knows what. Very disheartening. But hopefully each of us does our bit to “light one candle instead of cursing the darkness”. HOWARD

  • that is crazy. no. wait. FUCKING CRAZY. i cant believe this thing got so close to actually going to trial. its amazing that people who commit real crimes are not subjected to as much scrutiny as this boy was. and although the charges were dropped, his reputation in school is probably ruined. im not normally one to play the race card, but when you have something this stupid and it involves a minority, one has to wonder if race plays into it at all.

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